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My Fight Against A Spiritual Assassin

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Read My Journey

Doreen Saunders is a Woman of God that has endured many hardships in her life.  She was spiritually blind and deaf to the Kingdom of God and had no knowledge of God as she was not raised in the church.  During a time of enduring difficult life situations and emotional despair she search for truth and was drawn by God at the age of 33 and she gave her life to Jesus Christ.    Her surrender to the Jesus Christ did not solve her issues, it gave her the strength to overcome them.  Being without options and realizing that she couldn’t continue on her path of a repeated cycle of failures. It was the beginning of a wonderful journey of spiritual revelation that would open her eyes to truth and reveal to her who she was destined to be.  During a season of valley experience’s, she learned that faith was built from the challenges that she endured and overcame. These difficult situations were a catalyst foundation of her walking into her destiny.  Who is she you might ask, she will tell you that she is a chosen vessel not by choice but by the grace of the Almighty God that saw something in her beyond what she could see in herself, that He could use for His Kingdom.  The enemy of her soul had set a trap and was orchestrating to hinder her destiny, but God had a counter plan to send one of his soldiers’ into the enemy’s camp and live to tell the story.  Many people have died in the wilderness experience, but God has given her a vision to set others free with her testimony of “Sleeping With The Enemy, My Fight Against A Spiritual Assassin”.  Read her story of how she walked through a barren, desolate wasteland and heard the voice of the Lord say for her to walk this way and she obeyed. 

(Isaiah 30:21 (KJV) And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.). 

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This book has opened up my understanding to the realm of the spirit.  I have a better understanding of who I am and that I don't have to settle for less in regards to relationships in my life.  Thank you Doreen for opening up your story to help others to get through these life struggles.

Brandy Oliver

I thank God for you!  I feel free in my MIND!!

Anonymous Reader

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